Tuesday, March 4, 2008

There was no Crusade in Sept 11, 2001

On September 11, 2001 there was a terror in New York City. The twin building was destroying. This killed many people: family, friends, and workers. Everything was going crazy because people didn’t know how to react to these things. When Bush said “This crusade, this war on terror is going to take awhile.” This scared people because they though that other people were going to be drag in to the war, other then the people that were responsible. This had a big impact on every body in the Middle East and Europe.

It’s bad to compare the crusade to this war because this war has nothing to do with the war that is going on right now. The Crusade happen long time ago so it’s relevant to bring that up. The people that fought in the crusade were catholic churches; the people that attacked in New York were the Muslims. That tells u it has nothing to do with what happen now.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Ancient Rome and the U.S Problems

Elena Feliciano
Sergio Gomes

Ancient Rome had several problems as also the U.S have several problems.
One of the problems that Ancient Rome had was …..
There are attacks from Romanic Tribes
Rome hires Mercenaries or people that fight only for money
There inflation, the value of the money went goes down
The empire grows too big to control
There is a large gap between poor and rich

The problems that the U.S is having are…..
· Attacks from terrorist
· U.S also uses mercenaries to fight wars
· Inflation also happens in the U.S
· And there is a large gap between poor and rich


Elena Feliciano
Sergio Gomes

Life of a Gladiator

The life of a Gladiator is bloody. His life depends on people decisions, a dumb up means live and down means kill. Every time they fight in the end they get to choose if he lives or doomed. If they like him most likely he would live to fight another day.
There are a lot of distractions in the US. Distractions to keep us always from something. They have TVs, Internet, Myspace, Phones, Cells, and Shopping. Anything u can u can think of that’s fun. It’s almost the same thing in Rome; there a lot of things they do to make them think everything is ok. Americans are different from them because we don’t cheer for people to die. We change but sometimes we do force fight to happen.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Athens vs Spartha

Athens vs. Sparta

Do you know the difference between Athens and Sparta?

The difference between Athens and Sparta is….

1. Democracy
2. Aristocracy
3. Oligarchy
4. monarchy

Democracy is when a government ruled by the peoples votes
Aristocracy is the government controlled by the rich people.
Oligarchy is government controlled by a few powerful people with control of the military.
Monarchy is a government ruled by a queen or a king.

By: Elena Feliciano

Hellenistic Culture

How Did Hellenistic Culture start?

Hellenistic Culture started when King Phillip II was killed. His son Alexander, the great took over on what his father first planned. Hellenistic culture is the combination of all the conquered culture forms a new culture. Phillip II conquered Ancient Greece, and Alexander the great conquered Persia, Egypt, and all the other land until India.